Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Should Liberty bE gIVEN to Children ?

                                                                                                                         The most universal topic that refers to new generation is liberty . Giving no liberty or extra liberty both sides on the same position. Some time giving no liberty could be more harmful than extra liberty. Well! The topic is between liberty and no liberty . First we have to know what is liberty ? It is freedom for individual in limits .If you have no liberty than doors are close for success . In this case home base education doesn't work . When they are giving no freedom to child they would be narrow minded people . if you have liberty you does not gain confidence , if you have any ability or talent you cant show it to any one.
               Well some of the parents think the atmosphere around is not safe and it really is not safe. but for how long parents keep their children with them ?? an age will com when child will mature and go colleges and universities for education and now you cant say that education of colleges and universities cant given in their home. It is now modern age parents cant with children's all the time . I think there are thousand of advantages of giving liberty . while in giving no liberty the child doesn't face any situation he only see his face of parents and of course parents are reliable , comfort giving and friendly so they doesn't know the reality when only good thing are in front of them , how could they be able to sort the bad things . After all ! Bad things are more than the good ones and as he will be mature will in voles in all the bad deeds . Smoking, drug dealings and all are the cause of giving no liberty . Some parents think their children's misuse their pocket money .. but the thing is that if parents not gives too much pocket money so that children don't have any chance to misuse their pocket money.
                                                                                                              More over , giving no liberty can cause much trouble in future of child and his parents in such a way that if they forbid a child to use even a single penny , the child will not take out penny from his parents wallet or purse but in certain age. if he become mature and still parents act with him as if he as if he is as baby. this would lead to robbing and snatching as he needs money to live a little on his own . the child will also try to involve more and more in bad things as he will think that what was the reason behind that my parents want let me use the luxuries of life and in fact necessities of life.
                                                                                                                                       I think now thats more than enough for a person to understand that should liberty be given ?? In short , Liberty of an individual must be thus far limited ; it should not be a nuisance to others .

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