Well Pakistan was made for Islam but now it doesn't look like an Islamic country do you know in Pakistan Asia's largest casino ??? It was his fault who was making it but why did the government allowed him to do such thing in Islamic country when there was a war between America and Afghanistan and our president supported America but he was suppose to support Afghanistan as it is an Islamic country butt why we support America ??????
In the past time when Tony Blyer came to Pakistan Azan was stopped to be given aloud let me tell you Pak was made so Muslims could hear Azan and offer their Prayer freely . If our President or Prime Minister visit England would they over stop religious things no never ........ why because they care about religion
In the other hand stupid kind of sign boards are look so bad like , I feel ashamed even if i see one's .... the fashionable model on and parent their dress in cheap style . The sign boards look so cheap . I don't say that be very decent and just follow Islam do what you want but don't your country be that ...
I hope in future Pakistan will be really Islamic republic Inshallah ..
insha allah