Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Its a very important personal issue which is not given much attention. God has created everything with a reason. And in His work no one has to interfare. He Himself knows what to do. Human beings are just His followers. No one is superior on the basis of beauty, height, colour, physique etc. Because these characteristics are the creation of God. He knows better than us who is superior or inferior among us. These all are the external characteristics.
Being tall is also the characteristic which is gifted to a person by Allah. A taller person has a distinguished personality. But a person who is taller than average, faces a lot of problems in his/ her daily life. Standing in the bus, walking through the place where the roof is touching to his head, a specific height is required for the qualification in the forces and different jobs, the special outfits are made for them because they are not fitted in the ordinary sizes and many more problems are there which a taller person faces. But among all these problems, the major problem is when he/she goes to the market, school, colleges etc. Sometimes others tease by calling them names as if it us something they have done this to themselves. I also hear people make insulting comments about it.
Teasing or blaming people for their physical appearance is a very mean act. Almighty Allah has created everyone and making fun of somebody's physical features means making fun of God's creativity.
Therefore, I would like to advise everyone to avoid bulling and mocking others; put yourself in the place of the person you are teasing and then think of how it would make u feel if someone said all these nasty things to you. And to the taller one's especially that always thank God for blessing you with a good height and never curse being....

1 comment:

  1. He knows better than us who is Skoinlägg superior or inferior among us. These all are the external characteristics.
